
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Change in This Month's Lineup

Well, there is no way my son's baby quilt will be done by the end of the month. I'm working on baby gifts and things that friends have asked me to make for them, so I'm a bit swamped...I'm hoping to have it done by Christmas so that he has a special present to open then.

Instead I will be posting a pattern for the Fuzzy Muzzle Tiger Beanie. Check it out!

One last thing: because Blogger has a little snafu where what you type in the draft window is NOT how it appears when published, I have revamped how I write my tutorials. There are still all of the same components, but instead of the step being side-by-side with the picture (when available) the step will now come first and the picture(s) directly below it. Hope it's not too confusing, but this way it's a lot less frustrating for me. I hate it when I type up a post and have it looking just like I want it to, but then I have to go back and forth making adjustments so that the published post looks that way (and consequently my draft looks all sorts of weird!)


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